

Brá frá Gimli SOLD


f. Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti

m. Þraut frá Skör

BLUP: 120

Are you looking for your next breedingmare og sports horse:

Brá frá Gimli will be a great investment!

Brá is a beautiful and large filly with lots of potential. Her sire is the well-known Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti, who ​scored 9 and 9.5 for rideability at his breedingshow! We can't wait to see how she will develop! She shows ​mostly trot and canter in the paddock, but what a canter! We have rarely seen a horse with as much action and ​stretch and uphill movement as this beauty.

Brá is very sweet and trusting. She was born in Iceland, 'at home' at Nautabúi, where Artemisia, as always, does ​a great job raising the horses to be polite and respectful towards the 2-legged (both children and adults) and ​other 4-legged friends, while maintaining their natural trust, co-operation and curiosity.

Brá has a good amount of courage and 'stands her ground' with the slightly older (young) mares who want to ​eat first. She shows respect, but is not afraid to try to climb the ranks. She is sweet and friendly, but not a ​'woos' and we like that in our horses.

Brá's dam is our mare Þraut frá Skör, who has an impressive conformationscore of 8.19. Þraut has 4 good gaits, ​where especially her huge trot and mega walk stand out! She is easy to handle and produces great offspring ​with big movements. Worth mentioning: our Þraut is half-sister to one of the world's highest rated stallions, ​Vidar frá Skör.

Sire Brá

Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti (IS2012181608), dam is Þyrla frá Ragnheiðarstöðum and sire is Álfur frá Selfossi.

His total score is 8,95 with a BLUP of 134

He received 8,7 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for neck and shoulder and back and croup and 9,5 for ​proportions.

Total score for ridden abilities was 9,11 including 9,5 for walk and ride-ability and 9 for tölt, pace, trot, galop and ​form under the rider!!

He is a big, handsome stallion with a perfect character and will to please.

Brími frá Gimli SOLD


f. Álfaklettur frá Syðri-​Gegnishólum

m. Filma frá Tunguhálsi II

BLUP: 122

Brími is a black, beautiful and not irrelevant, photogenic stallion with a great personality. We’re waiting to ​book him in for a castration, since we want him to grow a bit more into his adult form.

Brími shows a lot of lateral movement and we are sure he will be a great pacer. He is (and always was) easy ​to handle, follows you around the fold and is superinterested in everything you do around him.

With the great Álfaklettur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum as his father, and Filma frá Tunguhálsi II as his mother, ​Brími has a fantastic pedigree. He is people-oriented, curious and playful. He loves playing with his fold-​mate - a 28 year old gelding that shows him the ropes of how to be a great horse. Brími has a wonderful ​character and has amazing potential to be your next sportshorse to be!

Brími’s dam is our Filma frá Tunguhálsi, a Korgur frá Ingolfhvóli daughter, shown with 8.04 as a fourgaiter. ​Filma is a sweet mare that is very protective of her foals. She is easy to handle, great to ride and supersweet ​in the stable. She will be coming to Denmark in the fall as we would love to have her around us more. Brími ​is her first foal that she has given birth to herself (she has more offspring through surrogate mothers).

Sire Brími

Álfaklettur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum (IS2013187660), dam is Álfadís frá Selfossi and sire is Stáli frá Kjarri.

His total score is 8,94 with a BLUP of 132

He received 8,82 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for head and back and croup and 9,5 for ​proportions.

Total score for ridden abilities was 9,01 including 9,5 for pace and ride-ability and 9 for tölt, trot, galop, ​canter and form under the rider!!

He is a beautiful, polite and lightly built, tall stallion.

Eydís frá Gimli


f. Ísak frá Þjórsárbakka

m. Telma frá Bakkakoti

BLUP: 108

Eydís is a young, tall, chestnut mare with a star, who was born in July 2023 on Godt Gemt. Eydís is extremely ​explorative, not easily scared, and interested in anything that’s new. She spends most of her days playing with ​her companion Eyrún, while tölting the days away out on the pasture.

With Telma frá Bakkakoti as her mother and Ísak frá Þjórsárbakka, who received an 8,61 total score as a 4 ​gaited stallion(!), Eydís has great potential to become your next riding adventure.

Above all, Eydís loves all the attention she can get, and she will completely throw herself into cuddles. She is ​always the first to come running when you get close to the fold, was easy to halter, and let’s you spray her ​with antifly spray without even run away :)

With her natural gaits and easy character we are sure she will be a great asset to someone who wants a horse ​for life to ride competition or just through the fields and forests.

Sire Eydís

Ísak frá Þjórsárbakka (IS2013182365), dam is Elding frá Hóli and sire is Herkúles frá Ragnheiðarstöðum.

His total score is 8,61 as fourgaiter with a BLUP of 124

He received 8,84 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for head and proportions and 9,5 for neck and ​shoulder.

Total score for ridden abilities was 8,45 including 9,5 for tölt and form under the rider and 9 for galop, slow ​tölt and ride-ability

A handsome, pinto fourgaited stallion with big movements and doing great at competition

Eyrún frá Gimli SOLD


f. Töfri frá Þúfum

m. Þraut frá Skör

BLUP: 117

Eyrún is our enthusiastic and youngest of the flock on Godt Gemt, filled with joyful energy. Showing off wide ​movements, she is hinting more and more towards being 5 gaited. Eyrún is definitely the one who always ​keeps things interesting on the farm. Where she was a little cautious and careful at first, she is now showing ​more and more interest in human attention, something she has discovered and quite likes.

Her canter is amazing and uphill, and she prefers tölt with high movements to show off her pedigree :)

Eyrún marks the end of our Þraut frá Skör’s breeding career, and has the great Vidar frá Skör as her uncle. ​With the looks of her mother (confirmation 8.19), and m. Töfri frá Þúfum as her father, Eyrún’s future is ​looking bright!

Since she’s heard that being the youngest on the farm will change soon, Eyrún is enjoying her last months of ​(extra) fame.

Sire Eyrún

Töfri frá Þúfum (IS2016158166), dam is Völva frá Breiðstöðum and sire is Trymbill frá Stóra-Ási.

His total score is 8,5 with a BLUP of 128

He received 8,41 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for back and croup.

Total score for ridden abilities was 8,55 including 9 for tölt, ride-ability and form under the rider.

He is a beautiful, well ridden stallion with a very nice character

Ísey frá Gimli


f. Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti

m. Þraut frá Skör

BLUP: 120

Ísey is a full sister of Brá frá Gimli, both after Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti and Þraut frá Skör. Þraut has an ​impressive conformationscore of 8.19. She has 4 good gaits, where especially her huge trot and mega walk ​stand out! She is easy to handle and produces great offspring with big movements. Worth mentioning: our ​Þraut is half-sister to one of the world's highest rated stallions, Vidar frá Skör.

Ísey, being big and with very promising gaits, was carefully ridden this spring by Þórarinn Eymundsson at ​Nautabú. She shows great movement in trot and is springing uphill in her canter as if she needs to jump the ​fence everytime :) If she continues to show the improvement she has so far, she might be ready for her ​breeding assessment after next winter! She has been easy to handle ( a definte hallmark of all our Þraut ​offspring) and very friendly towards her fellow fold-mates and to her trainers. Her training has been easy ​going and she has enjoyed working with her trainer and showing off what she can.

If you are interested in a breedingmare with a great pedigree, Ìsey could be the one for you, either on Iceland ​or at your own home,

Sire Ísey

Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti (IS2012181608), dam is Þyrla frá Ragnheiðarstöðum and sire is Álfur frá Selfossi.

His total score is 8,95 with a BLUP of 134

He received 8,7 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for neck and shoulder and back and croup and 9,5 for ​proportions.

Total score for ridden abilities was 9,11 including 9,5 for walk and ride-ability and 9 for tölt, pace, trot, galop ​and form under the rider!!

He is a big, handsome stallion with a perfect character and will to please.

Lögur frá Gimli


f. Grímar frá Þúfum

m. Filma frá Tunguhálsi II

Lögur is our last and thus youngest addition to the Gimli clan. Born on June 22nd in the South of Iceland, Lögur ​blessed us with his cute white croissant-shaped dot on his forehead and 4 little white socks.

Lögur is after Grímar frá Þúfum, who received the amazing score of 9.01 this year for ridden abilities and is yet ​another great stallion out of the breeding of the Þúfur stables.

Grímar is easygoing and with a fantastic score of 10 on walk!!!

With his pedigree we have high hopes for Lögur!

Lögur’s dam is our Filma frá Tunguhálsi, a Korgur frá Ingolfhvóli daughter, shown with 8.04 as a fourgaiter. Filma is a ​sweet mare that is very protective of her foals. She is easy to handle, great to ride and supersweet in the stable.

Filma and little Lögur are currently looking for the best seats for their plane to Denmark, as they heard they’re ​moving to Godt Gemt soon! And we are looking forward to watching this little one grow up on the farm!

Sire Lögur

Grímar frá Þúfum (IS2018158169), dam is Grýla frá Þúfum and sire is Sólon frá Þúfum.

His total score is 8,8 with a BLUP of 130

He received 8,41 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for main and tale.

Total score for ridden abilities was 9,01 including 10 for walk, 9,5 for trot and ride-ability and 9 for tölt and form ​under the rider.

He is another young, promising stallion from Þúfur that had an amazing breeding assessment.

Ásrún frá Gimli


f. Draupnir frá Stuðlum

m. Telma frá Bakkakoti

BLUP: 110

Ásrún is our dark palomino mare who is still enjoying life on Iceland. She is currently housed enjoying the big fields ​at Bakkakot, in the South of Iceland.

She will be coming home to Denmark this autumn, covered by the 6 year old Landsmót stallion Hljómur frá ​Auðsholtshjáleigu BLUP 128, 8.71 with 9,5 for hooves an back and croup, 8.68 ride met 9 for tölt and ride ability, ​total 8.69.

Ásrún is after Draupnir frá Stuðlum and our first breeding mare Telma frá Bakkakoti, whom we bought solely on her ​pedigree, being sired by the great Sær frá Bakkakoti. Telma has given us numerous foals, all with great tölt and trot. ​It sometimes takes a bit of time to get to know the offspring, and once they know and trust you, you have the most ​loyal friend for the rest of their life!

Sire Ásrún

Draupnir frá Stuðlum (IS2011187105), dam is Þerna frá Arnarhóli and sire is Kiljan frá Steinnesi.

His total score is 8,88 with a BLUP of 129

He received 8,74 for confirmation, highest score was 9,0 for back and croup, proportions and neck and shoulder.

Total score for ridden abilities was 8,97 including 9,5 for ride-ability and 9 for tölt, trot, pace, form under the rider ​and slow tölt.

He is a palomino stallion with outstanding bloodline and great breeding results

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