Our​ Breedingmares

Filma frá Tunguhálsi II


f. Korgur frá Ingólfshvoli

m. Fema frá Miðsitju

Conf: 8.21

Riding: 7.99

Total: 8.04 (as a 4 gaiter)

Ridden abilities wo pace: 8.48

Total wo pace 8.39

Filma is one of the mares we own on Iceland. Black & beautiful, ​great tolt in all tempi, has a lovely character and is a very caring ​mother for her foals. She had been trained for judgement when ​we bought her in 2020, and during the actual show she received ​great notes. With 9 for slow tolt, 9 for form under rider and a 9 ​for neck, shoulder and withers, she makes a lovely four gaited ​horse and we are looking forward to follow the development of ​the foals we have after her.

Filma has been used as a breeding mare before we bought her, ​and because they also wanted to show her at a breeding show, ​her previous owners choose to use other mares as surrogate, so ​they could keep riding Filma. That worked really well, and she ​has quite a few offspring already.

One of her earlier foals has been judged: Kvíkur frá Nautabúi, a ​nice 4 gaited stallion, with good movements and nice ​confirmation.

Our own Brímí, after the great Alfaklettur, is a very nice looking 2 ​year old now, also with nice confirmation and good, neck and ​shoulder, and with loooots of natural tolt!

Filma herself could wish for a bit more mane, so we sent her to ​Skyr this year, not that she herself will get more, but maybe she ​also will be happy giving some (more) to one of her kids.


Brími frá Gimli

2022 - f. Álfaklettur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum

Eyvör frá Gimli

2023 - f. Hannibal frá Þúfum

Lögur frá Gimli

2024 - f. Grímar frá Þúfum

Covered by Skýr frá Skalakoti in 2024

Hylling frá Nautabúi


f. Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholt

m. Hugsun frá Vatnsenda

Conf: 8.36

Riding: 7.74

Total: 7.96 (4 ganger)

Ridden abilities wo pace: 8.28

Total wo pace 8.28

We bought Hylling as a young mare, because we were ​looking for a mare with more pace than our other ​breeding mares. Hyllings father & mother both have a ​9 for pace, so we gambled, bought her and got her ​trained and judged. She has very nice gaits, but ​unfortunate no (real) pace, so she was judged as a ​fourgaiter.

Hylling father is Þráinn, who this year at landsmot ​got an honorary prize for offspring. Þráinn himself ​has a stunning 9.11 for rideability and is, on top of ​that, very beautiful with his 8.7 for confirmation.

Hylling mother is a Huginn fra Haga mare, with 8 for ​confirmation and 8.48 for riding abilities (tot.8.29), ​with 9’s for pace and willingness, and 8.5 for tolt and ​proportions.

So maybe, we will find Hyllings pace someday, for ​now she just has a nice fast tölt to enjoy!

All in all, a very friendly mare, easy and fun to ride ​and a joy to work with.

She is now covered by Sindri, and we are looking ​forward to that foal. Hylling will probably come to ​Denmark next year, as we think she would make a ​great riding and competition horse as well. But first ​we will wait for her first foal and she how she does, ​before we decide if we will use her for riding or ​breeding.


Covered by Sindri frá Hjarðartúni in 2024

Þraut frá Skör


f. Korgur frá Ingólfshvoli

m. Vár frá Auðsholtshjáleigu

Conf: 8.19

Þraut is a beautiful four gaited mare with a lot of ​expression, a good character, good conformation ​(8.19) and reasonable movements.

Þraut is by Korgur from Ingólfshvoli (8.41 fourgaited ​with 3 x 9.5 and 5 x 9.0), the winner of V1 in 2017 at ​the Icelandic Championships with 8.27!

Her dam is the 1st prize mare Vár from ​Auðsholtshjáleigu (8.36), who is by Vordís from ​Auðsholtshjáleigu and Spuni from Miðsitju. Vordís ​has an honourable mention for offspring. Also by Vár ​is Viðar from Skör, who was the 3rd highest judged ​four-year-old stallion at LM2018.


Ástmar frá Gimli

2019 - f. Forkur frá Breiðabólsstað

Ísey frá Gimli

2020 - f. Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti

Brá frá Gimli

2022 - f. Þráinn frá Flagbjarnarholti

Eyrún fra Gimli

2023 - f. Töfri frá Þúfum

Telma frá Bakkakoti


f. Sær frá Bakkakoti

m. Tvista frá Hákoti

Telma has already given us quite a few very nice ​offspring, and she will be retiring from breeding from ​this year.

We bought Telma at the time purely on her pedigree, ​as she is after the great Sær fra Bakkakot. She is ​born and bred on Iceland and has been out on the ​big, big fields in southern Iceland a great part of her ​life. She liked that, and preferred the space over ​humans, so she is still a bit reserved towards ​strangers. With us, she definitely has her favorite ​person, but is easy in all handling with all of us.

Telma has been briefly trained under the sadle when ​she was younger, and was cooperative and willing. ​We did not train her that much, as a new foal already ​was on the way and a breeding show was therefore ​not possible.

Her offspring are curious, cooperative and quick ​learners. They are easy in handling, and do prefer, ​just like their mom, that 1 special person. So if you ​click with own one of her foals, you have a friend for ​life! Most of her kids are fourgaited, some are with a ​5th gear, depending on the stallions we used.

We are looking forward to training her offspring after ​Ljosvaki, a big pinto mare, who not only shows lots of ​natural tolt in the field but also with lots of high ​movement and good speed and a nice cooperative ​character.

Her last foal before retiring from breeding is Eydís ​(after Ísak). Eydís is big and well build, and will be ​probably a very easy tölter with good movements!


Hekla frá Gimli

2012 - f. Hrímnir frá Ósi

Njáll frá Gimli

2014 - f. Spuni frá Vesturkoti

Ösp frá Gimli

2015 - f. Ómur frá Kvistum

Ásrún fra Gimli

2019 - f. Draupnir frá Stuðlum

Fríða frá Gimli

2021 - f. Ljósvaki frá Valstrýtu

Eydís frá Gimli

2023 - f. Ísak frá Þjórsárbakka

Ljósbrá frá Hruna


f. Eiður frá Oddhóli

m. Ösp frá Strönd I

Conf: 8.35

Riding: 7.88

Total: 8.07 (4 ganger)

Ljósbrá has given os a few very nice offspring, with ​good height, lots of tølt (and lots of mane and tail as ​well)!

She was judged in 2004, and is a first prize mare with ​8.08 in total as a fourgaiter. (8.35 for confirmation ​and 7.88 for rideability). Her mother was judged as a ​4-gaiter (8.04), her father was a four-and-a-half ​gaiter with 7.5 for pace, but 9.5 for tolt and 9 for trot ​and 9.5 for willingness (rid. 8.74 back in 1998!).

Most of Ljósbrá’s offspring where easy to learn to ​tölt, though their pace is not fast enough to be really ​good.

She is very sweet in all handling and her offspring are ​very friendly and cooperative as well.

Ljósbrá had her last foal in 2018, as a 22 year old, ​and she is now enjoying her retirement here with us ​in Denmark, in our ‘oldie-but goldie-field, with her ​good friends Blávör, Hnoðri and Sæll.


Hlý frá Gimli

2012 - f. Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu

Nör frá Gimli

2014 - f. Arion frá Eystra-Fróðholti

Örn frá Gimli

2015 - f. Arion frá Eystra-Fróðholti

Rómur fra Gimli

2018 - f. Árblakkur frá Laugasteini

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